
Please send $5 by Tuesday for the Giant City field trip by tomorrow. Thank you!

Math-ST MATH (if you can)
Reading- Read 30 minutes/worksheet on main idea
Social Studies-None

Friday, October 23, 2015

Classroom News
From Mrs. Liss, Mrs. Jenkins, and Ms. Vaughn
Date: October 19-23
What are we doing?
Math: Students will interpret the remainder in a division problem. Students will identify extra information or missing information needed to solve a problem. Chapter 3 test on division coming up next week.
Writing: Informational writing
Reading: Point of view
English: Verb tenses
Science: Investigating Chemical Changes
Social Studies: We “journeyed” on the Santa Maria
Health: Bullying

No spelling list for next week
Upcoming Dates:

Oct. 26: Orchestra/Band recital
               at 6:00pm
Oct. 29: 12:45pm dismissal
Oct. 30: No School
Nov. 9 & 10: Parent/Teacher
                      Conferences (PM)
Nov. 11- No School- Veteran’s Day
Nov. 24- 12:45 Dismissal
Nov. 25, 26, 27- Thanksgiving
Notes from the Teachers
* We will be sending parent/teacher sign-up sheets home next week. Watch for this sign-up sheet and return it as quickly as possible. We will do our best to accommodate requested times. However, many time slots have very high demand, so please provide several possible times you can meet with us. Thank you!
*Field trip pictures are up!!! Check the blog for homework and pictures- www.lewis5.blogspot.com  
*This week we wrote letters to Gary Paulsen, author of Hatchet. To learn more about this fascinating and prolific author, visit www.garypaulsen.com. Many of the other books in the Brian series are available online through Scholastic Book Clubs.
How to contact us:
Lewis School: 457-2632
Mrs. Jenkins: ext. 2257
Mrs. Liss: ext. 2256
Ms. Vaughn: ext. 2253